
A child gets better at reading by doing exactly that...reading!  Students will have an opportunity to practice each day during Reader's Workshop.  Reader's Workshop is an instructional model that focuses on the strengths and needs of each individual.  Components include: a whole class mini-lesson at the beginning, followed by independent work time (various activities occurring), and ending with share time.
To learn more - click here!

We will also use a workshop model for writing instruction.  It includes the same components as Reader's Workshop.  During Writer's Workshop direct instruction is provided on the writing process, craft, genre, and mechanics.
To learn more - click here!

Word Study (using Words Their Way - WTW)
Word study teaches children to closely examine words to discover similarities, patterns, and conventions that help them understand the English language and find out the "why" words are spelled the way they are.  Students will work in groups matched to their developmental level as they study sounds, patterns, and meanings of words.
To learn more - click here!

We will be using Everyday Mathematics this year.  This is a research-based curriculum that is designed to fit how children learn.  This program has a spiral effect so that students can develop a depth of knowledge that is not built in just a single lesson or unit.  Students receive repeated exposure to key ideas in different contexts.  The Everyday Mathematics curriculum provides opportunities for math to be fun and meaningful as students connect to the outside world.  It also encourages children to be creative problem solvers and flexible thinkers as they find methods that work for them.  Third grade content focuses on understanding multiplication and division strategies for problems within 100, understanding fractions (particularly unit fractions), understanding the structure of rectangular arrays and area, and describing and analyzing two-dimensional shapes.

We will be exploring many interesting things throughout our world!  Units include all types of sciences: Life Science, Earth Science, Physical Science, as well as Space and Technology.  In the spring, we will have the opportunity to participate in the Chick-It-Out program...very exciting!

Social Studies
Our focus is on communities in third grade.  We will study communities around us, communities and geography, communities over time, citizens and government, people in communities, and working in communities.